The below table contains definitions for each of the columns present in a Mortgages & Charges Data export (either from your watchlist or from the Prospector tool).
* Please note that the address supplied within this data is the entity's Registered address. We do not currently display both Registered and Trading addresses in these exports.
Column | Definition |
Registration Number | Unique number assigned to the company by Companies House. |
Company Name | The Registered Company Name as filed at Companies House. |
Charge No. | The numerical value of the charge applied to the company (1st, 2nd etc.), ordered chronologically. |
Satisfied | The status of the charge - Partially/Fully Satisfied or blank (unsatisfied). |
Lodged Date | The date that the charge was lodged. |
Reg Date | The date when the charge was registered. |
Create Date | The date that the charge was created. |
Satisfied Date | The date when the charge was fully satisfied (if applicable). |
No. of Partially Satisfied Events | The number of "Partially Satisfied" updates given to a charge before it is fully satisfied. |
Form Date 1 | The date when the first form submitted relating to the charge was filed. |
Form Type 1 | The first input Form Type filed in relation to the mortgage/charge (e.g: mg01: Mortgage or charge registration) |
Form Date 2 | The date when the second form submitted relating to the charge was filed. |
Form Type 2 | The second input Form Type filed in relation to the mortgage/charge (e.g: mg01: Mortgage or charge registration) |
Form Date 3 | The date when the third form submitted relating to the charge was filed. |
Form Type 3 | The third input Form Type filed in relation to the mortgage/charge (e.g: mg01: Mortgage or charge registration) |
Amount | A description detailing the amount owed/debt to be paid according to the charge. |
Description | A description detailing the context of the charge. |
Executor | Name of an Executor for the mortgage/charge |
Lender 1 | The first lender/beneficiary filing the charge. |
Lender 2 | The second lender/beneficiary filing the charge. |
Lender3 | The third lender/beneficiary filing the charge. |
Property | Textual description of the Property Details listed on the charge. |
Bank Code | The unique identification code for a bank (if the lender/beneficiary is a banking entity). |
Company Address Line 1* | The first company standard address line for the location. |
Company Address Line 2* | The second company standard address line for the location. |
Company Address Line 3* | The third company standard address line for the location. |
Company Town* | The company town for the location. |
Company County* | The company county for the location. |
Company Region* | The Company Geographical Region of the UK, derived from the Postcode, e.g. 'East Anglia', 'South West', etc. |
Company Postcode* | The Company Postcode for the location. |
Company District* | The Company Outer Postcode, containing the first half of the postcode, e.g. RG12 |
Company Mail Preference Service | A TRUE/FLASE flag indicating whether the company is registered on the Mail Preference Service suppression file. 'TRUE' - Registered on MPS, 'FALSE' or empty - Not registered on MPS. |
Company Full Telephone Number | The full company telephone number, including dialling code that Thomson or Yell hold for the business. |
Company Telephone Preference Service | A TRUE/FALSE flag indicating whether the company is registered on the Telephone Preference Service suppression file. 'TRUE' - Registered on TPS, 'FALSE' or empty - Not registered on TPS. |
Location Type | Whether the location type is the 'HeadOffice', 'Branch', 'SingleSite', or 'None' location of a business. |
Corporate Position | Indicates the position of the business within the corporate tree, e.g. Independent, Ultimate Parent, Intermediate Parent, Subsidiary |
Employee Count | The number of employees for the business as a whole. Number could be an estimate. |
Employee Count Estimated | Is the Employee Count an estimate? TRUE or FALSE |
Currency Code | Currency that this set of accounts is displayed in. Standard currency code as controlled by the International Organisation for Standardisation, e.g. GBP. |
Turnover Value | The Total Turnover value for the business over the accounting period, whether actual or an estimate. |
Turnover Estimated | Is the Turnover an estimate? TRUE or FALSE |
Net Worth Value | The Net Worth of the business is an indication of the company’s long-term solvency. This field forms a check that the company’s Shareholders Funds exceed Intangible Assets, i.e. is the company considered to have covered net losses in the longer term? This can be an actual or an estimated value. |
Net Worth Estimated | Is the Net Worth an estimate? TRUE or FALSE |
Pre Tax Profit | Pre-Tax Profit/Loss is the net trading profit (or loss) after deduction of all operating expenses, but before the deduction of Tax or Dividends, whether actual or an estimate. |
Pre Tax Profit Estimated | Is the Pre-Tax Profit or Loss an estimate? TRUE or FALSE |
Export Turnover | The amount of turnover (from the total) derived from overseas trading (as opposed to trading within the UK). |
Cash at Bank | This is the book balance of the cash on hand, and any positive current account balance, at the Balance Sheet date. |
Hire Purchase Current | Hire Purchase (Current): The total amount of money tied up in Hire Purchase agreements. This figure appears in the Current Liabilities section of the Balance Sheet for monies covering the next 12 months. |
Leasing Current | Leasing (Current Liabilities): The total amount of money tied up in Leasing arrangements. This may include rented property and equipment. This figure appears in the Current Liabilities section of the Balance Sheet. |
Current Liabilities | Liabilities that have to be paid within the next 12 months. |
Total HP And Leasing Long Term | Hire Purchase & Leasing (Long Term Liabilities): The total amount of money tied up in Hire Purchase agreements. This figure appears in the in the Long Term Liabilities section for those items covering period for monies due after the next 12 months. |
Fiscal Year End | The last month of the year end for the company. |
Latest Return Date | The date of the latest Annual Return filed at Companies House. Format DD/MM/YYYY 00:00 |
Latest Accounts Date | The date of the latest accounts filed at Companies House. Format DD/MM/YYYY 00:00 |
Cro Legal Status | A textual description of the legal status of the business. See Legal Status Reference Table |
Head Office Flag | This denotes whether the registered address of the business is their sole location (Single Site) or if it is the headquarters of multiple trading locations. |
Age Years | The age, in years, of the business calculated from the earliest known date. |
Auditors Name | Auditor Name |
Bank Name | Bank Name |
Delphi Score | The Experian commercial developed scorecard, scoring from 0-100, predicting the likelihood of business failure within the subsequent 12-month period. 100 equals no chance of business failure. |
Delphi Credit Rating | The Experian commercial recommended maximum monthly credit exposure for the business. |
Delphi Credit Limit | The Experian commercial recommended maximum outstanding credit exposure for the business. |
Delphi Risk Band | An indicator to determine the commercial risk band assigned to the business by Experian, e.g. Risk Score Suppressed, Dissolved/Serious Advers Info, Maximum Risk, High Risk, Abover Average Risk, Below Average Risk, Low Risk and Minimum Risk. |
Delphi Star Rating | The Experian Commercial Delphi Risk Band expressed as a 0-5 star rating. 5 is good. |
1992 SIC Code 1 | The 4-digit Standard Industry Classification (1992 version) for the business as a whole. |
1992 SIC Code 1 Text | The description attributed to the first listed SIC Code (1992 version) for the business. |
1992 SIC Code 2 | The 2nd listed 4-digit Standard Industry Classification (1992 version) for the business as a whole. |
1992 SIC Code 2 Text | The description attributed to the second listed SIC Code (1992 version) for the business. |
1992 SIC Code 3 | The 3rd listed 4-digit Standard Industry Classification (1992 version) for the business as a whole. |
1992 SIC Code 3 Text | The description attributed to the third listed SIC Code (1992 version) for the business. |
1992 SIC Code 4 | The 4th listed 4-digit Standard Industry Classification (1992 version) for the business as a whole. |
1992 SIC Code 4 Text | The description attributed to the fourth listed SIC Code (1992 version) for the business. |
Broad Sectors | 12 Experian defined business sectors derived from the businesses SIC 2007 Codes. |
2007 SIC Code Group 1 | First 3-digit Standard Industry Classification Group code and description (2007 version) for the business at all locations. |
2007 SIC Code Group 2 | Second 3-digit Standard Industry Classification Group code and description (2007 version) for the business at all locations. |
2007 SIC Code Group 3 | Third 3-digit Standard Industry Classification Group code and description (2007 version) for the business at all locations. |
2007 SIC Code Group 4 | Fourth 3-digit Standard Industry Classification Group code and description (2007 version) for the business at all locations. |
2007 SIC Code 1 | First Full Standard Industry Classification Code and description (2007 version) for the business at all locations. |
2007 SIC Code 2 | Second Full Standard Industry Classification Code and description (2007 version) for the business at all locations. |
2007 SIC Code 3 | Third Full Standard Industry Classification Code and description (2007 version) for the business at all locations. |
2007 SIC Code 4 | Fourth Full Standard Industry Classification Code and description (2007 version) for the business at all locations. |
Principal Activity | The principal activities of the business, as described on the annual accounts. |
Care Homes Flag | TRUE/FALSE Flag: is the business a care home? |
Central Government Flag | TRUE/FALSE Flag: is the business part of Central Government? |
Charity Flag | TRUE/FALSE Flag: Is the business a charity? |
Defence Flag | TRUE/FALSE Flag: Is the business part of the military? |
Emergency Services Flag | TRUE/FALSE Flag: is the business part of the Fire, Police or Ambulance services? |
Hospitals Flag | TRUE/FALSE Flag: is the business a hospital? |
Local Government Flag | TRUE/FALSE Flag: is the business part of local government? |
Limited Companies | TRUE/FALSE Flag: The business is a limited company. |
Non Limited Business Flag | TRUE/FALSE Flag: The business is a non-limited company. |
Non Limited Group Flag | TRUE/FALSE Flag: The business is a group of non-limited companies. |
Public Services Flag | TRUE/FALSE Flag: does the business provide a public service? |
Schools Universities Flag | TRUE/FALSE Flag: is the business a school or university? |
Total Tangible Fixed Assets | The total value of the company’s buildings, vehicles, equipment, fixtures and fittings. In general, assets held by the business for use in generating sales. |
Total Stocks / Work In Progress | The value of stock held by the company. This includes goods or other assets purchased for re-sale, consumable stores, raw materials, finished goods and payments on accounts for items yet to be received. When looking at Stock it is important to recognise that not all items are intended for re-sale, e.g. consumable stores, like oil for machines, are included but will never be sold; they simply assist in the running of the business, plus Work in process (WIP) is the value of a company's partially finished goods waiting for completion and eventual sale. |
Trade Debtors | The total amount of money owed to the company for sales rendered. |
Total Long Term Liabilities | Liabilities that have to be paid further than the next 12 months. |
Plant & Vehicles | The total value of plant and vehicle equipment owned by the company. |
Current Ratio | The worth of a company derived as Current Assets divided by Current Liabilities. This ratio roughly measures a company’s financial risk. Logically the more the financial liabilities, the riskier the company. Thus, small Current Ratio values indicate high risk. Less than 1 is possibly a problem, around 2 is ideal, too big may be a sign of inefficiency. |
Acid Test | The Acid Test is a measure of the company’s liquidity and is derived by deducting Stocks and Work In Progress from Current Assets. This figure is then divided by Current Liabilities. This approach is cautious as it recognises that stock is not always readily converted into cash at full value. An Acid test ratio of 0.75:1 or greater is preferred. |
Working Capital By Sales | Percentage of annualised Turnover against Working Capital. Demonstrates the surplus or deficit of funds from normal trading activities, in relation to the company’s size measured by sales. Calculation: 100 * Working Capital / (52 * Total Turnover / Accounting Period). |
Credit Period | Also known as Collection Period, measures the days a company takes to pay its debts, therefore assessing the effectiveness of the company’s credit control department. Calculation: 365 * Total Debtors / (52 * Total Turnover / Accounting Period) |
Trade Creditors By Debtors Ratio | The ratio of trade creditors to trade debtors. Calculation: Trade Creditors / Total Debtors. |
Auditor Fees | Auditor Fees is the Amount that the auditor was paid. |
Growth Indicator | An indicator to determine whether the business is in growth or decline. Values can be Decline, Growth, Static or Unknown. |
Mortgage Indicator | A Yes/No flag indicating the presence of a mortgage registered against the company, e.g. 'Y' - Mortgage registered against limited company, 'N' - No mortgage registered or non-limited business. |
Domain | The website we have on record for the company. |
EBIT | Earnings Before Interest and Taxes. This is calculated as EBITDA (see below) - Depreciation - Amortisation. |
EBITDA | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. This is calculated as Total Turnover - Cost of Sales - Total Expenses. |
EBITDA Post Dividends | The former, once any dividends (distribution of profits to shareholders) have been applied. |
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