- Total number of companies in the list
- Total turnover of all companies in the list
- Total number of employees reported by companies in the list
- Average age of companies in the list
- Number of SIC groups across the list
- Number of Industry Keywords across the list
- N/A - Unreported
- Small - Min - 50M
- Medium - 6.5 - 50M
- Large - 50 - 500M
- XL - 50M - Max
- Startup - 0-5 years
- Young - 5-10 years
- Expansion - 10-20 years
- Established - 20-50 years
- Iconic - 50+
- N/A - Unreported
- Small - 0-49
- Medium - 50-199
- Large - 200-999
- XL - 1000+
The List report tool lets you view key features and common themes of companies in a list.
This can help to draw out common characteristics among your company lists, with the potential to help identify the best performing segments among your prospects, customers and suppliers - which can inform your ongoing strategy.
With a customer list, they can help you understand your sweet spots and inform the search filters you use to find new prospects.
You can also use list reports as part of the planning process when mapping out new verticals and segments, in order to understand total opportunity in a certain geography or industry.
First, you'll see the Headline figures:
Company status
This section will show you the percentage of companies which are Active, Dissolved or another status (eg. Liquidation).
This section gives you the total turnover of companies in the list, as well as the minimum, maximum, and average turnover across the list.
The brackets and the distrubtion graph provides insight into the most common turnover brackets in the companies in the list.
The Top 5 companies by turnover in the list are also identified.
Turnover segmentation:
Brackets, distribution graph and Top 5 are also shown for the age of companies in the list.
Age segmentation:
Brackets, distribution graph and Top 5 are then shown for the size in terms of number of employees of companies in the list.
Employees segmentation:
The percentage of companies in each of the 2007 SIC sections present in your list are shown.
You can also see the Industry Keywords which appear with the highest frequency in your list. The higher the frequency, the darker the colour, and the closer the proximity the the top left of the graphic, the more frequent the keyword.
The locations map helps you understand any geographical clusters is your list. The larger the pink bubble, the larger the segment. This can help with understanding opportunity size in the process of allocating territories.
Finally, the Segments section gives you a breakdown of the subsections within your list, by industry and size by turnover. This allows a more specific understanding of the common characteristics of companies in your list.
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