Financials, directorships, ownership, incorporation, registered addresses, registered telephone numbers
As we get most of our information from the official registry, the first thing to do if you've found an inaccuracy is to check the information at it's source.
Financial, directorship, shareholding and ownership information come from the country's official registry: Companies House in the UK, and the Companies Registration office in the Republic of Ireland.
If the same mistake is also present in the official registry, please contact them and request amendments. Any changes will subsequently appear on DueDil.
If you find a discrepancy between the information in the registry and the information on DueDil, please fill in this form. Please bear in mind that there can be a lag between submitting information to the official registry, and it appearing on DueDil.
Websites, social media, logos, trading addresses, trading telephone numbers
If the mistake relates to a company's website, social media links, trading address or trading telephone number, you can submit a suggested change by hovering over the information you'd like to update, and clicking the grey pencil icon that appears.
These submissions will then be checked and verified by our data team before being approved and updated on DueDil.
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