- The request has succeeded.
- This error message signifies that the user has failed to provide an authentication token (API Key) or the one provided is invalid.
- Please check if the authentication token is passed correctly with the request (X-AUTH-TOKEN as a header parameter).
- To obtain your DueDil API key and to check if it is active, please go to API Portal here.
- Another reason for 'SUSPENDED' is that your API Key may be suspended. This action can be toggled at any time by the key’s owner in the API Portal.
- Should the key be suspended by a DueDil Admin, this cannot be re-enabled in the API Portal. If you find this has happened and it is unexpected, please contact us at success@duedil.com.
- This error message signifies that your API Key has insufficient access level for the requested information. To see what API Modules are enabled for your key, please go to your DueDil API Dashboard here.
- If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success Manager or email us at success@duedil.com to discuss your API Package.
- This message signifies that the queried country is currently not supported by DueDil. If you are interested in learning more about DueDil’s International Data offering, please contact us at success@duedil.com.
- This response signifies that your call limit has been reached. We encourage you to optimise your code and adjust your application in line with the set QPS rate limit in your contract.
- Should you wish to discuss increasing the allowed throughput for the key, please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager or email us at success@duedil.com.
- Any of the above 429s responses related to allowance signify that the given key was given an absolute call limit or premium endpoints have hit their quota limit.
- Should you wish to discuss increasing the allowed throughput for the key, please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager or email us at success@duedil.com.
- Please ensure you are using the correct request type. For instance, if you are making a GET request for a POST request this error will occur. For more information, please refer to DueDil API Documentation here.
- The information you are requesting is not found. Please check that your path and query parameters are correct and the information provided is accurate (e.g. companyID). Please refer to DueDil API Documentation here to verify the required format for each endpoint.
- If you are certain that the information provided and the parameters are correct and this response is unexpected, please contact us at success@duedil.com.
DueDil follows standardised and well-established practices for HTTP status codes. Every API call will return a status code and a message with a description issued by a server (DueDil) in response to a client’s request. This article will help you to identify the root cause and the next steps to troubleshoot an error you have encountered.
Successful call
Client Error (4xx)
401 'UNAUTHORISED' 'Client is not authorised' or 401 'UNAUTHORISED' 'Access token is not authorised’
403 ‘FORBIDDEN’ ‘Access denied’
400 ‘Invalid countryCode: \"us\", countryCodes must be lowercase and one of [gb, ie, fr].’
429 'OVER_QPS_RATE' 'Maximum requests per second exceeded'
405 'METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED' 'Endpoint does not support this HTTP method'
404 'NOT_FOUND' ‘There is no matching company record’
Server Error (5xx)
A 5xx response signifies a potential server error on DueDil’s side. Please subscribe to DueDil Status Page to stay up to date with the service availability.
503 ‘Service Unavailable’
500 ‘Internal Server Error’
504 ‘Gateway Timeout’
504 ‘Endpoint unavailable’
If you experience any of the aforementioned errors, please contact us at success@duedil.com or your Customer Success Manager directly.
Alternatively, including reporting an issue outside the support hours, please fill out the ‘Report a Bug’ form here.
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