- FCA Registry Data
- London, Edinburgh and Belfast Gazettes (Insolvency notices)
- PEPS & Sanctions (Acuris)
- Company Websites (Keywords, aliases, Additional Info)
- Telephone Preference Service (TPS)
- Ordnance Survey (Geographic/map data)
- Legal Entity Identification Registry (LEI Numbers)
- Intellectual Property Office (Trademarks)
- Registry Trust (CCJ's)
- HMRC (Import/Export Data, Commodities Data)
- Credit Rating Agency (Credit scores, Credit Bands)
- Charity Commission (Charity Data)
- Wikipedia
- Crunchbas
Find our top reasons that make DueDil stand out from the competition below:
Ease of integration - DueDil's comprehensive documentation and logical data structures enables developers to quickly plug in to the DueDil API.
Agile development - DueDil’s Development teams are able to react very quickly to regulatory and customer enhancement requests.
Continuous enhancements - The DueDil API is continually being enhanced with new datasets and features.
Value added financials - DueDil provides calculated financial fields such as EBITDA, CAGRs, year on year deltas and much more.
Data clean up and linkages - DueDil’s technology puts a lot of emphasis on cleaning up bad, unstructured data, DueDil applies matching logic to identify linkages that would otherwise be difficult to spot. E.g linking a Director linkages, and listing all directorships held by the individual. Directors may also list their names slightly differently when registering with their company - DueDil will flag these discrepancies to make sure you have a full profile on an individual.
Corporate Group Structure - The DueDil API enables customers to build a full picture of the corporate group structure by surfacing subsidiaries and all parents up to the ultimate parent. Each company's domiciled country is provided so you can identify overseas group entities.
DueDil Industry Keywords - DueDil's proprietary keywords are generated from crawling the web for multiple mentions of a business's activities, the business corporate website (meta descriptions and meta keyword tags found in the html), SIC codes, Crunchbase, Wikipedia, etc. We're in the process of exposing the confidence that we have in each of the keyword/company pairs, providing our customers with a more accurate, trustworthy view of the true nature of the business.
Data Sources - We not only provide data from Companies House but enhance our data offering from many other sources including:
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