- Registered name (ie "Brand New Company Limited")
- Their registered address
- Companies House registration number
A newly registered company should appear within Artesian within 1-2 days of their incorporation, however these entities will be presented with minimal company information:
This will allow you to follow a newly registered company to receive news and social media insights for them (where available) and/or perform screenings against them (if your Artesian contract includes our Artesian Connect risk screening service), however people and financial information will not be present until further data is available. Due to this, these newly registered companies will not appear in Company Data exports or Prospector searches.
Further information such as the details of company directors, financial records and company documents will not be present at first. These details will become available at a later date, once the company has been processed by our data supplier Experian. This data is supplied to us on a monthly basis - please note that it can take up to three months (depending on time of incorporation) before the full range of company data is available.
For further information on when company data is updated within Artesian, please see the following article:
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