- While viewing the "Following" page within FullCircl, click on the watchlist you wish to add companies to, then press the "Add Companies" button.
- This will open up Step 1 of the "Add Companies" wizard. From here, you can choose how you would like to upload your list of companies: by name, or by their Companies House registration number (UK companies only). If you are connected to any of your colleagues or shared community lists, their companies can be accessed from the "Copy from managed lists" tab.
- In Step 2, type or copy a list of names (or companies house registration numbers, depending on your previous choice - for the purpose of this guide we'll be using the former but both will follow a similar pattern) into the large text box. Each unique company should be placed on a different line, and for ease of matching these to companies in our data, any non-name information (such as "trading as" names or person names) should be removed. Please note that a watchlist can contain a maximum of 250 companies.
- Once FullCircl has processed the information you have provided, Step 3 will ask you to confirm the companies which have matched exactly to a company in our data. These will all be ticked by default - untick any which you do not believe are the correct match and you will be able to review this choice with the other inexact matches in Step 4. Click on the "Next Step" button when you are ready to proceed.
- In Step 4, you will be given a list of potential matches for each of the companies FullCircl was not able to automatically find an exact match for (if all companies were matched in Step 3, this step will be skipped).
- You can change what to search for via the search bar to the left. Click on the "Follow" button to add any desired companies to your watchlist, then click "Next Company" to move on to the next inexact match. Once you're done, press the "Finish" button to move on.
- If you cannot find the company you are looking for, or it does not appear in our data, you can request help from our Support team from the Search page via the "Can't find it? Tell us!" button - please see this article for more information.
- And with that, you're done! The "Finished" stage will show you a list of all the companies you have added to your watchlist.
- A tick next to a company means it has been successfully added, while a clock symbol means it's still being added - this should be completed shortly.
Yes you can. Adding companies yourself is preferable, as you can confirm that they are definitely the correct companies you want to follow. It is easy to do.
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