The most common Find filter combination is Industry, Business Size and Financial Data.
If you have a broad interest you might want to filter initially by Industry sector:
These represent the major industry sectors as defined by the 2007 SIC Codes.
Alternatively if you have a more specific area of interest then you can choose to use either the 2007 or 2003 SIC Codes. We'd recomend using 2007 simply because they are the most uptodate.
You can either search for a word (e.g. manufacturing) or use the full SIC code. You can find the SIC code that a company has chosen by looking at the Industry section on the company Data page on FullCircl, or you can see a full list of SIC Codes here.
Business Size
Select filters apply to specific search - e.g if you are interested in start-up companies then use "Age (Years)" to search for 'young' companies, or if you are interested in large companies then use the "Number of Employees" option.
Financial Data
With over 40 financially orientated filters to choose from, you can get really granular with your Find results. These filters allow you to enter in precise figures so you can really narrow your results down quickly to find the companies that interest you.
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