You can view search results and statistics from the main W2 Portal Dashboard page. Due to the possible large number of results available you may choose to filter these to reduce the number of results returned.
Date Range:
By default the date range will be the last 30 days, but you can click into the From Date or To Date date fields and manually change this from the date picker or type the required date.
Call Details:
If you know the name of the search you have the options to enter details like First name and Surname into the Call Details filter, but please note if the calls are older than 30 days you also have to amend the Date Ranges to meet the search criteria.
When a call is made to W2 we return a response that will contain a call reference this will look something like WSCR123456789-1234-1234-1234-000000000000 this can be used in the Call ID field to return the search data.
You may include your own reference number when the initial search was made, if this is the case you can enter this into the Client Reference field.
You may need to restrict searches to API calls or just the Quick Search calls. By default both will be selected, you just need to uncheck the one you don't need.
You can filter a particular search to a bundle if you made several searches under one name but across a number of bundles.
Bundle Result:
Bundle results by default will show all, but you can select you view just calls that have a particular result like Pass or fail.
Like the bundle filter you can also drill down to view results against a service like SIS or PEP.
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